Painting by Cebarre



"Today is just another day," I heard a woman say. "No better, no worse that any other day." As I walked along my way her words kept running thru my mind. I ponder on them as I went through my day, for they caused me much discomfort.

Why do these words irritate me so, why do they make me ponder? What is it in such simple words that makes my thoughts go hear and yonder?

Today is truly like no other day, for every day is differant from the one before it. Today I awoke, yes I still live and breathe!! This is yet another day that I can give. Give of myself, give to another and in return recieve love and support from my sisters and my brothers. Today is special, for today I see, today may be all there is for me. So today I love, today I share. Today is a gift to open for all who care. Connie

The Recovery Room
The Broken Heart
Love & Friendship

by Hafapea